
Patmos Library
P.O Box 87
​2445 Riley St
Jamestown, MI 49427


Contact Us Form
Front side of patmos library buillding with cars in parking lot

suggest a purchase

Want to suggest that we purchase something? Fill out the form below with as much information as possible to submit it for consideration.

Please use this form to suggest a new release (3 years or newer) title for the Patmos Library to consider purchasing.(Required)
The library will consider purchasing items, taking into consideration our selection criteria and budget constraints. We may not be able to purchase everything that is suggested, but we will consider your suggestion. For specialized, technical, or out-of-print materials, please consider using our MeLCat Interlibrary Loan system, a cooperative borrowing agreement among Michigan libraries.
Do you currently have a Patmos Library card?(Required)
Purchase suggestions are limited to Patmos Library card holders only.
Please enter your 14 digit library card number.
Have you searched the Lakeland Library Cooperative catalog or the statewide catalog for this item?(Required)
LLC Catalog: https://llc.bibliocommons.com/ | MeL Catalog: https://elibrary.mel.org/
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.