
Patmos Library Policy Manual

How to Get A Library Card

To get your free card, you must show picture identification and proof of current address. A driver’s license or state ID with your current local address is the most common identification/proof of address. Please call the Circulation desk at 616-896-9798 if you have any questions about other documents you can bring. A parent or guardian must sign the card application for individuals under 18 years of age. Parents or guardians must show valid identification and possess a Patmos Library card in good standing.

You should report a lost or stolen library card to the library immediately by calling 616-896-9798. You are responsible for items checked out on your card. You can get a replacement library card at the Circulation Desk for a fee of $3.00.

Child Safety

  • Children under the age of 10 (ages 0-9) must have adult supervision at all times while in the library, except while participating in library programs.
  • An adult is defined as one who has obtained legal age, 18+yrs of age.
  • The library reserves the right to require children ages 10 years and over to have adult supervision at all times, if the child’s behavior warrants supervision. 
  • Examples of behaviors that warrant supervision are, but not limited to: loud outbursts, running, and disregarding staff instructions.

Computer Usage

Patmos library provides access to the internet as a means to enhance information and learning
opportunities for library patrons. These guidelines have been established to ensure appropriate
and effective use of these resources.

procedures for use

  • Use of the internet stations is on a first come-first served basis.
  • You may sign up for usage for 1 hour at a time.
  • Maximum use of 2 hours per day.
  • If no one is waiting, additional time will be granted.
  • Library staff provides limited assistance in internet searching. We also have several books on ​web searching available.
  • Computers will be shut down 15 minutes prior to the library closing. 
  • Children under the age of 16 require an internet waiver to be signed by a guardian in order to use adult computers

prohibited uses

  • No chat room usage
  • No personal software no copying, downloading or otherwise reproducing copyrighted materials.
  • No display of obscene, abusive, malicious, or threatening email, documents or screens.
  • No use of the internet for any illegal activity.
  • No vandalizing, degrading, or disrupting the equipment, software, system performance or data of other users.
  • Sound features are not to be turned on without the use of headphones.
  • Patrons must respect the rights of others when accessing the internet.
  • Library staff reserves the right to end an internet session at any time if that patron is creating a disturbance.
  • Please no more than two persons at a computer terminal at one time.

Closing Due To Weather

Patmos library will typically be closed when Hudsonville Public Schools are closed due to winter weather.
– On both school days and non-school days, the library may close in the event of a inclement weather. It is up to the director’s discretion
– Whether we will close or reduce hours this is for the safety of our patrons and staff. ​Patrons will be notified of closing via both our facebook page and website.
​- Updates regarding the cancellation and rescheduling of programs will be communicated via facebook as well.

Patmos Library FOIA Policies & Procedures

Please check our PDF because our policies have changed.

Patmos Library FOIA Policy 2022